For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23)

All people’s day celebrated on 26th May 2012

All people’s day was celebrated at Dublin Pro-Cathedral church on 26th May 2012. Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Arch Bishop of Dublin celebrated the mass along with chaplains of various nationalities including our chaplains -Rev.Fr.Mathew Arackaparambil and Rev.Fr.Manoj Ponkattil.  Members of Syro Malabar Catholic Community participated in this celebration in our traditional dress. As a symbol of gratitude from our community, master Jemin Joseph presented a gift basket of our national fruit to the Arch Bishop.  Here are the introductory lines of message from Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin “On this Vigil of the Feast of Pentecost we come together to celebrate the gifts of the Spirit and especially that special gift through which the Spirit guided the early Church, as we will hear in the Preface of this Mass, to open “to all peoples the knowledge of God and [to bring] together the many languages of the earth in the profession of the one faith”.

All people’s day celebration photos