ശക്ത്നായവന്‍ എനിക്ക് വലിയ കാരിയങ്ങള്‍ ചെയ്‌തിരിക്കുന്നു.(Luke : 1 : 49 )

Dear Catechism School students and parents

Dear Catechism School students and parents

Dear Catechism School students and parents,

All of us live in a noisy, fast-paced world that is always plugged in to the digital world with our computers, televisions, car stereos, smartphones, and other technologies. Often we forget to or simply cannot listen to God in the midst of all these distractions. Therefore, retreats become very important for us.
“A retreat is a time for God, a time for assessing our relationship with God. We spend time with the people we love cherish and respect. We spend time with God. A retreat nurtures our spiritual life in an environment away from the ordinary distractions of life. In scriptures, we read that Jesus would simply go off and pray. Each and every one of us needs time to be alone, and a retreat provides us with this opportunity…We need to pause and discern where we are, where we are going, where we want to be, and how we get there.”
We invite all current catechism school students (Class 3 & above) of Syro Malabar Church, Dublin to join us this year for our annual christen retreat. This year the christen retreat will be at the Phibblestown Community centre, Clonee, Blanchardstown on October 25,26 &27(Sat, Sun & Mon) from 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM. Christeen retreat will be lead by the Sehion Chris teen Retreat Team from UK & Jesus Youth Ireland.

A special Teenage & Youth Convention for super seniors will be conducted at the same centre on Tuesday 28th October 2014 from 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM. Rev. Fr. Jacob Manjaly will lead the convention.
Families who wish to join the Family renewal & Christeen retreat are requested to register by visiting www.syromalabar.ie before 20th October 2014. There will be no registration fee.
Best Wishes

Fr. Jose Bharanikulangara, Fr. Manoj Ponkattil

Christeen Retreat