തന്റെ കാരുണ്യം അനുസ്മരിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് അവിടുന്ന് തന്റെ ദാസനായ ഇസ്രയേലിനെ സഹായിച്ചു (Luke :1 :54 )

Eucharistic Congress 2012

Eucharistic Congress is an international gathering of people which aims to:

    • promote an awareness of the central place of the Eucharist in the life and mission of the Catholic Church
    • help improve our understanding and celebration of the liturgy
    • draw attention to the social dimension of the Eucharist.

The Congress normally takes place every four years. The daily celebration of the Eucharist is at the very heart of the Congress. The wider programme of the Congress includes other liturgical events, cultural events, catechesis and testimonies, and workshops during the week of the Congress. The last Congress was held in Quebec in 2008 and was a source of encouragement and renewal for the many thousands who took part.

Most people in Ireland are familiar with the fact that a Eucharistic Congress was held in Ireland in 1932. The Eucharistic Congress this year is once again being held at Dublin, Ireland from June 10 to June 17 and gives us an opportunity to take part in this event. More details visit Website  
Though We Are Many – (Bernard Sexton)

Though we are many, we are one body,
we who come to share this living bread;
Cup of salvation, shared among all nations,
nourishing us now and evermore.

1. We gather in this place
round the table of the Lord.
Christ’s presence is revealed
in our communion and his Living Word.

2. Now our communion recalls
Christ’s death and resurrection.
This living sacrifice
is our salvation now and evermore.

3. And through this shared Eucharist
we are the living Church.
We witness to Christ’s love
His living body active in our world.