For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)

First Holy Communion

The word ‘communion’ means to be united with; Catholics believe that in holycommunion we are united in a special way with Jesus Christ.
“Take this and eat, this is my body”, Jesus said of the bread he shared among his followers at his last supper. Then taking a cup of wine he said, “take this and drink, for this is my blood”.
Catholics believe than in a mysterious way when we receive holy Communion we are sharing in the body and blood – the very life – of Christ our Saviour. Holy Communion, and the whole service (Mass) is also known as Eucharist, from a Greek word meaning thanksgiving.

The schools at Ireland institute the sacrament of Holy Communion to all students in their II class at school. The students are trained to receive this sacrament as part of school curriculum. However, we felt the need to train the students according to Syro Malabar rites and thus children interested in holy communion are trained by the catechism teacher handling class II and prepared to receive holy communion as per our rites.