For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)

The Visit of the Major Archbishop to the eparchy of Thamarassery

The Visit of the Major Archbishop to the eparchy of Thamarassery began with the warm reception accorded to him by His Excellency Mar Remigiose Inchananiyil and His Excellency Mar Paul Chittilapilly and the inmates of the Bishop’s House, Thamarassery at about 11.15 p.m. on 26th April as the Major Archbishop was taken by road from Bangalore after the Standing Committee Meeting of the CBCI. 

After the night rest in the Bishop’s house, the Major Archbishop accompanied by the Bishops of the eparchy and Fr. Antony Kollannur, the Major Archiepiscopal Chancellor and Fr. Sebastian Pottoly, the Secretary to Fatima Church, Thekkukutty for the concluding celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Parish, the Silver Jubilee of the Parish Priest, Fr. Kuriakos Iykolambil and that of Bishop Inchananiyil.  The dignitaries were received very solemnly with the accompaniments of chenda melam and motor cycle escort.  The Major Archbishop unveiled the granite golden jubilee memorial plaque and this was followed by a solemn holy qurbana presided over by the Major Archbishop.   After the qurbana, in the public meeting, the Major Archbishop felicitated the jubilarians – Bishop Inchananiyil, Fr. Iykolambil and Sr. Clementina and appreciated the deep faith of the parishioners and congratulated them on their success in organizing such a well ordered jubilee celebration.  Bishop Joseph Mar Thomas, the Malankara Catholic Bishop of Bathery released the souvenir.  It was the manifestation of the deep faith of the parishioners, their love for their parish priest and to the eparchial bishop. 

At 11.30 a.m. the Major Archbishop met the presbyterium of the eparchy at the Bishop’s House.  In his address he praised the eparchy of Thamarassery for their willingness to support the causes of the Church in every way, and especially financially.  There was quite a good interaction on various topics to which the Major Archbishop replied with great understanding. 

In the afternoon at 2.30 p.m. the Major Archbishop met the Pastoral Council Members at the Bishop’s House in which the Major Archbishop exhorted them to be effective witnesses of Christian life to all, even going beyond one’s own religious boundaries.  Here too there was time for interaction which was used very fruitfully by the participants. 

The crowing event of the day was the civic reception accorded to the Major Archbishop by the civil society of Kozhikode.  The reception was organized at the Tagore Centenary Hall, Kozhikode in which State Rural Development Minister Sri K.C. Joseph, Local M.L.A. Sri A.R. Pratheep, District Collector Mr. Mohanan, Mr. M.G.S. Narayanan, P.S. Sreedharan Pillai and a host of dignitaries from socio-political and ecclesial spheres of the society of Kozhikode felicitated the Cardinal.  The felicitatory meeting came to a close with the address of the Major Archbishop.